Saturday, June 20, 2009

Day 18 Elk Creek Resort Piedmont, SD Petrified Forest

Captain’s Blog
June 20, 2009

Our original plan was to head out to Deadwood but due to a minor mileage miscalculation by Ron we opted not to travel the 77 miles to Deadwood. We’ll catch that on our way to Devils Tower, Wyoming. It was nice hanging around and finally getting the blog updated.

Look close you can see our Motorhome down there in site # 25 in the valley.


Jewel waiting to go for a hike in the Petrified Forest!

The Petrified Forest adjacent to the campground was offering free admission to anyone from the campground. Free has us written all over it so we did the self guided tour.

It is amazing how trees can be affected by climate changes and catastrophic events. Laced throughout the forest floor were examples of petrified trees, looking exactly like tress but are now rocks.

Again a thunder and rain -storm lasting about 30 minutes.

Nothing much else to say today. Now just let me get that last day of the BLOG in!

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